Maya Benyas began her first semester at Stanford University this fall and she has hit the ground running!

“My first quarter has been a whirlwind so far! I am definitely feeling the effects of the quarter system—since the quarter is 10 weeks long, there’s no time to waste in any class, and I have a midterm pretty much every week in at least one of my classes. So it’s a lot of work, but fortunately, I’m enjoying all my classes”, Maya exclaims!

“I’m taking math (Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications), physics (Mechanics and Special Relativity), and an Introductory Seminar called Jane Austen’s Fiction. In the seminar, we always have really engaging and thoughtful discussions, and I’ve been enjoying all the reading, although it is super fast-paced (we are reading 5 books in the span of 10 weeks!),” Maya reports.

“I think my favorite class is physics. Content-wise it is fascinating, and my professor is super knowledgeable and passionate about physics. She also teaches it in a very interactive way, so we actually end up deriving all the formulas, with her guidance. It’s a great way to learn, in my opinion,” Maya adds.

In addition, Maya is continuing with her music education while at Stanford. “I am heavily involved in the music scene, taking 5 units worth of music ‘courses.’ I am Principal Cello of the Stanford Philharmonia, the smaller orchestra of the two here, which has been a great leadership opportunity for me. And, we have our first concert coming up on November 7th! I’m also taking lessons with Christopher Costanza, and I’m in a string quartet with three other freshmen,” Maya explains.

Even though she has been super busy with her main courses, Maya has found time to participate in extracurricular activities.

“I’ve joined The Stanford Daily, and am writing for the Academics Desk of the News Section, the Music Beat of the Arts & Life section, and The Grind! I may have my first article published within the next few days, so that’s exciting. I’ve also been to several meetings for the Stanford Student Space Initiative, and I went to the first meeting for Cardinal Swing (swing-dancing!) last Saturday, which was a lot of fun,” Maya says.

Keep up the momentum, Maya. We know you will be a huge success!


Maya Benyas explores the Engineering Quad while attending Stanford University.