Longmei has been busy with a variety of projects. As a student of Carbondale Community High School (CCHS), she participated in a Science Fair at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. Her project was named “Testing the Effectiveness of Antibiotics in Different Environments.”

Earlier in the year, Longmei participated in a Special Olympics “Plane Pull” fundraiser event at the Airport in Murphysboro, Illinois, where her team tried to move a plane.

In February, Longmei took part in an ICTM Mathematics competition at SIU-E in Edwardsville, Illinois. Her team, which included GFFer Arkaprabha Kolay, won First Place qualifying them to compete at the state level.

Congratulations Longmei and best wishes for the upcoming math competition!

Longmei participates in a Science Fair at SIU.

Longmei's math team win First Place in an ITCM competition at SIU-E in Edwardsville, Illinois.

Longmei enjoys Campus Lake at SIU.

Longmei (second from the left) participates in a "Special Olympics Awareness Plane Pull" event at the airport in Murphysboro.