Maya has been busy collecting awards and accomplishments since we last spoke with her.​..

In February, Maya submitted an application to the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, and received notice in April that she was selected as a semifinalist. She joins a pool of 625 students who were selected from nearly 6,500 candidates. In the next round, the Commission on U.S. Presidential Scholars will select up to 161 candidates to become U.S. Presidential Scholars. We are keeping our fingers crossed for you, Maya!

In addition, Maya recently won 2nd place in the Illinois State Music Teachers Association Instrumental and Voice Video competition. The competition was open to all high school and college string players residing within Illinois. Her winning submission pieces were a Bach Prelude and the first movement of the Shostakovich Cello Concerto No. 1.

Next, Maya will be heading off to Stanford University to continue with her education.

Brava, Maya — upward and onward!

Maya displays her semifinalist notification letter from the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.