Zoya Chowdhury reports on her experience at MMSS, where she is studying “Surface Chemistry.” During her first week, Zoya says that she has been “captivated by the subject matter,” and has been really enjoying the group presentations and lab work sessions.

“The lectures have been incredibly informative, and I have found myself captivated by the subject matter. Our professor’s passion for surface chemistry is evident in every session, making the complex topics more engaging and accessible. He has delved deeply into his research, introducing us to a variety of techniques and concepts that are central to the field. Among these, some topics we explored include chromatography, microscopy, and catalysis. Each topic was presented with clarity, and the professor’s enthusiasm was infectious,” Zoya says.

“Also, a highlight of the academic experience this week was the group presentations. My group chose to present on adhesion, a topic that I found both challenging and fascinating. Working with peers I had not met before pushed me out of my comfort zone, but it was a rewarding experience. Collaborating on the presentation allowed me to develop new interpersonal skills and gain a deeper understanding of adhesion and its applications,” Zoya adds.

Zoya has been having a fun and educational experience experimenting in the lab.

“Each lab session begins with a briefing from the TAs, who provide us with the necessary background information. We then have several hours to conduct experiments. This week, we created an adhesive from milk and extracted pigments from spinach, among other experiments. These activities were not only educational but also incredibly fun. The hands-on nature of the lab work has solidified my interest in pursuing a career in the sciences,” Zoya explains.

When not in class, Zoya has been exploring the Michigan area and getting out of her comfort zone to form connections and share ideas with a diverse group of students from around the world. She finds the diversity a “refreshing part of the program.”

“The diversity within the program is remarkable. Participants come from various states and countries, including Korea, China, and Greece. It is surreal to hear so many different languages and see so many cultures represented in one place. For instance, during our trip to Cedar Point, I sat next to Gloria, a new friend from China, on the bus. It was simply delightful to see her excitement over something as commonplace to me as a cornfield or a lake,” Zoya reports.

“Overall, my first week at the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program has been nothing short of amazing. The combination of interesting academic content, hands-on lab work, and enriching social experiences has made this an unforgettable experience. I am already looking forward to what the next week has in store and will be sad to see the program end. The knowledge I am gaining, the friends I am making, and the personal growth I am experiencing are invaluable,” Zoya says.

Week Two — Group Presentations and Lab Work

“The second week of the Michigan Math and Science Scholars (MMSS) Program has been as engaging and enlightening as the first. The Surface Chemistry class continued to cover a wide range of fascinating topics. The lectures delved into subjects such as adhesion, nanotechnology, and my personal favorite, biomaterials. I also really enjoyed the professor’s talk about vaccines and how different countries utilize varying methods but achieve the same outcome. We discussed different tests, such as the COVID-19 test, and how they detect viruses during our biosensors lecture. The professor’s passion for these topics made the material come alive, particularly during his talks about artificial hearts and other organs, and his research on bio-interfaces. These lectures have given me a profound appreciation for the cutting-edge developments in biomaterials and their potential to revolutionize medicine,” Zoya reports.

For week two of her course, Zoya participated in a rewarding group presentation on Infared (IR) Spectroscopy. She finds the “hands-on” lab work particularly engaging.

“IR Spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique used to identify and study chemicals based on their interaction with infrared light. Preparing for this presentation involved a lot of research and collaboration, which not only deepened my understanding of the subject but also honed my presentation skills. I can confidently say that my ability to communicate scientific concepts has improved significantly over the past two weeks,” Zoya explains.

“This week, we had a series of captivating lab sessions, including a titration lab, an inorganic synthesis lab, a pH measurement lab, and a lab using an FTIR instrument to identify and observe various materials and their chemical makeup and properties. The FTIR lab, in particular, was fascinating, as it tied directly into our group presentation topic and allowed us to apply the theoretical knowledge we had gained,” Zoya adds.

Week Three — Taking a break at the Ann Arbor Art Fair

Zoya enjoyed several after-class activities while at MMSS. When not having tacos at a local restaurant, Zoya and friends visited the Ann Arbor Art Fair.

“The Ann Arbor Art Fair provided a wonderful break from the academic routine and an opportunity to engage with the local community and its artistic expressions. These experiences have not only enriched my time at MMSS but also reinforced my passion for science and medicine,” Zoya says.

“Overall, my experience at the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program has been incredibly enriching and transformative. The combination of rigorous academic content, hands-on labs, and vibrant social experiences has solidified my career aspirations in medicine. Additionally, I now have a clearer understanding of my passion for chemistry and the practical aspects of scientific research,” Zoya explains.

“Thanks to the Garwin Family Foundation, I have been able to explore the mysteries of my own mind. This journey has illuminated my path forward, providing clarity and direction for my future endeavors. The experience has been invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program. As I move forward, I will carry the lessons learned and the memories made, always mindful of the infinite potential and mystery within the human mind,” Zoya adds.

We are pleased to hear that your course has been so transformative and inspiring. Good job, Zoya… we wish you much success!


>> Read Zoya Chowdhury’s Final Report (PDF File, 110 KB).

>> Learn about the other students’ experiences in the GFF Scholarship Program.


Zoya Chowdhury loves working in the lab at the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program.

Zoya Chowdhury studies Surface Chemistry at the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program.

Zoya Chowdhury studies Surface Chemistry at the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program.

Zoya Chowdhury meets up with GFF students Francis Bu and Addison Krotz, who are also attending MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo from class at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo from her lab work at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo from her lab work at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo from her lab work at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo from her lab work at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury and Addison Krotz at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury visits the Ann Arbor Art Fair.

Zoya Chowdhury visits the Ann Arbor Art Fair.

Zoya Chowdhury shares a photo of a sunset while at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury watches a movie at MMSS.

Zoya Chowdhury finds a great taco restaurant while at MMSS.