Robert Wigfall reports on his experience at Washington University’s High School Summer Scholars Arts & Sciences Program, where he is studying Biomedical Ethics. His first week was spent “making meaningful connections” with his classmates, exploring the campus and surrounding areas of St. Louis.

“Throughout my first week at WashU, I’ve accumulated a multitude of experiences. Ranging from classroom discussions to extracurricular activities on campus to venturing out into the city of St. Louis, my first week at Washington University can be described with one word: eventful,” Robert says.

Robert is enjoying the closely knit and personal atmosphere of the program which includes a diverse group of about 50 students, and has been quickly making friends. “Over the past week, I’ve spoken with almost every person in the program, being able to form many enjoyable friendships. WashU does an amazing job of organizing social and “get to know you” events, an opportunity I’ve utilized to interact with my peers. For example, just outside of our residential area, there is a large area of basketball courts that anyone on campus can access. Oftentimes spontaneous pick-up basketball games are played there, as it exists as a communal area that anyone on campus can access; I have even met high school students from other programs and incoming WashU freshmen on these courts,” Robert exclaims!

“In addition to that, there are often other organized recreational activities; in the past week, there have been Board Game Nights, Movie Nights, College Preparation Seminars, and a trip to the St. Louis Zoo,” Robert adds.

“Aside from the overall aspects of the university, my Biomedical Ethics class is extremely engaging. Meeting from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM each day, we are able to study and discuss various ethical issues and situations as they arise in the biological world,” Robert says.

“In Biomedical Ethics, students are given daily readings that cover topics further explored in class the following day. Additionally, throughout the course there will be weekly quizzes regarding reading topics and two intermediate written assignments in response to such topics that precede the completion of a final paper at the end of the program. Over the course of the first week in this course, we have discussed and reviewed the foundational concepts of moral philosophy and the principles of logic, as they serve as the groundwork for applied biomedical ethics. Furthermore, we have begun a unit on health and disease, taking it upon ourselves to place a definition to the broad terms of ‘health’ and ‘disease,'” Robert explains

“Next week, we are set to begin discussions regarding disabilities and the morality and legality of abortion and physician-assisted suicide. As we move into more concrete applications and dilemmas of bioethics, my interest has increased accordingly,” Robert adds.

Robert reports that his program is “all that I could have asked for.” Robert appreciates the more comfortable pace of a longer, 5-week program. In addition, he has been enjoying opportunities provided by the University to explore the St Louis area and its culinary delights. “There are several other amenities to enjoy on the WashU campus, one of the most notable being the food. I cannot recall taking as many pictures of my meals in my life as I have in this past week. In the middle of St. Louis, a city known for its barbeque, any expectations I would have ever had have been exceeded,” Robert adds

We are happy to hear that you are enjoying your time at Washington University, Robert. We can’t wait to hear more!

Robert Wigfall studies Biomedical Ethics at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall studies Biomedical Ethics at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall studies Biomedical Ethics at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall shares a photo of his classroom at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall shares a photo of his classroom at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall explores the campus at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall explores the campus at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall explores the campus at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall studies outside on a hammock at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall and friends check out the basketball court at Washington University.

Robert Wigfall enjoys a "double-whammy" of refreshments after class.

Robert Wigfall and friends get to sample legendary St. Louis barbeque after class.

Robert Wigfall and friends get to sample legendary St. Louis barbeque after class.

Robert Wigfall and friends explore the St. Louis area outside of campus.

Robert Wigfall and friends explore the St. Louis area outside of campus.

Robert Wigfall and friends visit the St. Louis Zoo.

Robert Wigfall shares a video of a fast-paced day at Washington University.