Charlie Du has entered his third week at Boston University’s PROMYS program in Mathematics. He has been challenged to complete math sets and problem-solve, with an emphasis on independent work. In addition to daily lectures, Charlie has had the opportunity to attend numerous guest lectures, one of which he found particularly interesting about natural language recognition by software engineer David Miller.

After class activities included a frisbee game between PROMYS members vs. the RSI team, an Ice Cream Social event, watching the sun rise on the last day, and forming strong friendships with other students in the program.

Charlie’s final days were spent attending mini-courses and preparing for the Final exam—where he was able to put all his recently acquired knowledge to work. While the program has been supremely challenging, Charlie has enjoyed himself learning first-hand what life is like as a mathematician. We are very proud of him!


Charlie Du works on math problem sets with his roommate.

Charlie Du works on math problem sets at PROMYS Math Circle.

Charlie Du chats with his teacher, Dr. Glen Stevens, after a lecture.