The 2016 scholarship winners of the Garwin Family Foundation’s CCHS Student Sponsorship Program for Talented Students in the Arts, Science, and Math are (left to right): Ryder Hales, CCHS sophomore; Ian Kinsel, CCHS freshman; Ananth Panchamukhi, CCHS junior; Rea Yoh, CCHS junior; Kian Stevens-Winston, CCHS senior; and Julian Springer, CCHS junior.

Ryder is perfecting his plating skills in his culinary arts mentorship-model internship at Tom’s Place.

Ryder is thrilled to be learning advanced culinary skills in his enrichment program.

Ryder is mastering many dishes and techniques through his enrichment adventure under the tutelage of a gourmet chef.

Ryder, as a chef-in-training, masters dessert preparation during his culinary arts internship.

Rea checks in at Brown for her stem cell research studies.

Rea’s regenerative medicine course at Brown University included both scientific method and bio-ethical analysis.

Julian arrives at Interlochen for a week of intensive percussion instruction.

Julian’s percussion program at Interlochen concluded with a performance.

Ananth is a natural in the lab. Here, he is working with frozen skin cell support fibers.

Ananth graduated from the STARS Program with a lab coat and a certificate.

A photo from class of diagrams and calculations Ian and his peers studied during the Michigan Math & Science Scholars Program.

Ryder is mastering salad preparation and presentation in his culinary arts internship.

Ryder has “graduated” to the actual cooking functions in his culinary arts mentor-model internship.

Ryder oversees a lobster sauce as part of his culinary arts training.

Ryder learns how to make and present everyone’s favorite—chocolate dessert!

Rea is busy, challenged, learning, and loving every minute of it.

Rea examined nuclei derived from N2A cells using an indirect immunofluorescence process.

Julian gains exposure to new styles and techniques during the Interlochen percussion intensive.

Ananth is on his way to STARS (Students and Teachers as Research Scientists)—where he’s certain to shine brightly.

Ananth adjusts a misting applicator as part of his laboratory research on a burn treatment.

Ian will be missed by his sister, Aubrey, while he’s on his mathematics enrichment adventure at the University of Michigan.

Ian, his fellow students, and his instructor celebrating the end of the course at the Michigan Math & Science Scholars Program.

Returns, departures and new starts were celebrated at the August 2016 Garwin Family Foundation “Back-to-School” Pizza Party.


Ryder Hales enjoys his first day in the kitchen under the tutelage of Chef Lasse Sorensen, owner of Tom’s Place, to kick off the Mentorship-Model Internship in the Culinary Arts.

Ryder is mastering salad preparation and presentation in his culinary arts internship.

Ryder is now taking meals from start to finish as part of his culinary arts training.

Ryder learned that much of cooking is prep work.

Ryder’s final project in his culinary arts internship was to prepare an entire, multi-course, gourmet meal.

Rea spent a lot of time in the lab running and interpreting experiments during her last week at Brown University.

Rea learned how to utilize indirect immunofluorescence to view cytoskeletons in neurons derived from N2A cells.

Julian reports that he “came away from the whole experience feeling inspired.”

Ananth learns the ropes in the SLU biomedical lab where he is conducting “hands-on” research in the STARS program.

Ananth presented on his research findings at the close of the STARS Program.

Ian is all checked in at the University of Michigan’s Michigan Math & Science Scholars Program, where he’s focusing on “Discrete Dynamical Systems.”