Maya Benyas attends Berklee Boston Conservatory’s Film Scoring Program.

Maya Benyas attends Berklee Boston Conservatory’s Film Scoring Program.

Maya Benyas is really enjoying her first week at the Berklee Boston Conservatory’s Film Scoring Program. She is one of approximately 100 students participating in the program. Maya describes the course as an “umbrella” program consisting of 3 tracks: Film Scoring 101, Music Composition for Film and TV, and Orchestration 1. Maya chose the “Music Composition for Film and TV” track.

Jason Qin learns Computational Geometry and Algebra 1.5 at Awesome Math

Jason Qin learns Computational Geometry and Algebra 1.5 at Awesome Math

Jason Qin has enrolled in Awesome Math’s Computational Geometry and Algebra 1.5 online courses. He has learned much during his first week and says that the courses have really broadened his perspective on math. The class schedule runs from Monday through Friday, with 2-hour lectures and 1-hour problem sessions hosted via Zoom.